Welcome to Quantum Shift
Here you will discover a variety of experiences. I am, just like you on a journey of authentic expression. Take a look, you might find something you resonate with. I am happy you decided to connect and visit my space. Allow yourself to discover who you are.
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Discover and Explore
Discovery Key Experience | Online | 60 min | $111
This session is designed to help you discover your own power and step back into it through conscious choice. The Discovery Key Experience (DKE) in an empowering 1:1 Meditation that can help with guidance towards questions you might have on your journey.
It aims to help you step into your heightened perception or Source Self by creating your own experience through familiar entry keys and then creating your own key of access into your imagination or full awareness(neutral perspective).
This is ultimately how we can see your Quantum Field and the perspective necessary for Exploration, integration and innerstanding with regards to your life experiences, right here, right now.
The access Key is a convergence point that we discover in the DKE experience, of all Timelines (or more accurately termed as life cycles) into one initiation sequence.
In easy terms this access Key is integrated into a single word that you will receive through this session, this word will act as a Keyword which condenses the lengthy experience of induction methods into theta state and into an instantaneous access state, consciously for Source communication. Communication is more accurately termed to describe the word we know as, channelling. In essence we do not channel anything, we simply communicate our Source energy through different energy aspects that are all happening within the Quantum Field now. Therefore past lives, parallel lives, galactic lives, or any experience is more accurately termed as simultaneous experiences. The Keyword or access key will allow you to allow yourself to reach clear Source Communication if you choose to further develop your integration of the Quantum Field through Neutral Perspective. Integration of your Keyword, is like exercising a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes and therefore the clearer the communication will be. The important thing to remember is that we all flow at our own pace appropriately and integration of the access Key is through your own willingness and allowance of your own choice to open to receive communication. Therefore the entire Discovery Key Meditation will be recorded to continue exercising your willingness and allowance. Receiving communication through any means, consciously or in theta is not about the level of depth of theta/relaxations/trance, but about the level of allowance. The level of allowance will bring you into conscious awareness that we are in constant communication in every moment.
Light Language Experiences
Light Language Self Remembrance Activation (Telepathic Frequency Communication- TFC)
2hr Sessions | Online | $222
Do you want to remember your Soul Language? In this experience I have a one to one personal experience with you, where you allow me to help you remember your own innate Soul Language. We start off by covering the basics of what Soul Language is and the power of intention. We then move into an Energetic Soul Language Chakra alignment where I connect with your Guides and Origins through your personal Soul Language. Connecting with your energy centres we can attune to your blue prints within your Earth Star Chakra and assist you by stepping into remembrance. I then assist in this process by acting as a bridge through universal communication. Soul Language is also known as the bridge communication into full telepathy or can be more accurately termed as Telepathic Frequency Communication.
In this experience you can Meet Your Guides and ask them questions. We also explore Light codes through movement (or referred to as mudras) and Light Code writing, covering all aspects of the expression of vocal/code and written Soul Language. We then also focus on you activating your Soul Language through Linguistics.
Prepare to laugh a lot, and have a lot of fun. Please be prepared to feel emotional too. These sessions are done via Zoom and are recorded. Recordings are helpful for further remembrance and practice and also for allowing yourself to remember other energy aspects or sometimes referred to as dialects.
Light Language Quick Self Remembrance Activation
1hr Sessions | Online | $111
Similar to the first session, This Session includes a Chakra Alignment/Balance, Self Remembrance Activation and a short practice Session. Excluded in this session: Communication with your Guides, Murdas/ Light Code movement and written Light Codes. Sessions are also Recorded and done via Zoom.
Light Language Elevated Attunement
1hr Sessions | Online | $111
Already speaking Light Language but want to further understand and attune to your frequency? This experience can be registered for on its own or as a package with the Self Remembrance Experience, here we focus on helping you remember or attune more, understand and connect with other aspects within your Quantum Field or what is also referred to as dialects or frequencies.
Light Language Energetic Chakra Alignment and Balancing Sessions
1hr Sessions | Online | $111
Light Language Activator's Course
Quantum Shift Exploration (QSE)
Before scheduling a QSE session, please ensure that you have completed the Reality Creation Process (RCP) Course – If you would like to Learn more about QSE and RCP then please schedule a FREE Breakthrough Call.
This Package includes 2 sessions:
Discovery Key Experience and Quantum Shift Exploration Package (4 – 5 hours)
Session 1: The Discovery Key Experience (1hr30-2hrs)
This session is designed to help you discover your own power and step back into it through conscious choice. The Discovery Key Experience (DKE) in an empowering 1:1 Meditation that can help with guidance towards questions you might have on your journey.
It aims to help you step into your heightened perception or Source Self by creating your own experience through familiar entry keys and then creating your own key of access into your imagination or full awareness(neutral perspective).
This is ultimately how we can see your Quantum Field and the perspective necessary for Exploration, integration and innerstanding with regards to your life experiences, right here, right now.
The access Key is a convergence point that we discover in the DKE experience, of all Timelines (or more accurately termed as life cycles) into one initiation sequence.
In easy terms this access Key is integrated into a single word that you will receive through this session, this word will act as a Keyword which condenses the lengthy experience of induction methods into theta state and into an instantaneous access state, consciously for Source communication. Communication is more accurately termed to describe the word we know as, channelling. In essence we do not channel anything, we simply communicate our Source energy through different energy aspects that are all happening within the Quantum Field now. Therefore past lives, parallel lives, galactic lives, or any experience is more accurately termed as simultaneous experiences. The Keyword or access key will allow you to allow yourself to reach clear Source Communication if you choose to further develop your integration of the Quantum Field through Neutral Perspective. Integration of your Keyword, is like exercising a muscle, the more you exercise it, the stronger it becomes and therefore the clearer the communication will be. The important thing to remember is that we all flow at our own pace appropriately and integration of the access Key is through your own willingness and allowance of your own choice to open to receive communication. Therefore the entire Discovery Key Meditation will be recorded to continue exercising your willingness and allowance. Receiving communication through any means, consciously or in theta is not about the level of depth of theta/relaxations/trance, but about the level of allowance. The level of allowance will bring you into conscious awareness that we are in constant communication in every moment.
Session 2: Quantum Shift Exploration (3hrs)
This session will be scheduled during your Discovery Key Experience Session: The Quantum Shift Exploration Experience (QSE) is the second session of the package (3hrs) , this session involves alignment and exploration into Source Self Communication. From the Source Self or Neutral perspective we discover the awareness to shift the experiences within our reality. It is the first step into furthering your exploration to help you create the shift in perception, into knowing that you can create and shift anything with this beautiful Unconditional aspect within you. Your Source Self is your heightened perception and the architect of your reality, when integrating this beautifully complete and unconditional aspect within you, which is you, we then automatically focus our energy towards experiences that rests within our inner most desires.
The Quantum Shift Exploration and Discovery Key Experience is a technique that was beautifully gifted by our Galactic Soul Family, the Pleiadians. Through communicating with them in this relaxed state of the theta/Gamma frequency in previous exploration and Light Language/Sound Code sessions they brought forward the technique to help us into remembrance of who we are. In the Guidance of the practice they assist us through familiar entry keys to use imagery that we know in order to shift into one of our most powerful abilities, our imagination/awareness.
The easiest way to allow yourself to have the experience of remembrance and receive guidance and shift any energy from your Source Self and your Quantum Field is to simply allow yourself to imagine and step in to the inner child within you. The Library of your Soul is vast and contains everything you can possibly imagine through what could be true for you. Allowing yourself to imagine activates your Theta Frequency into Gamma and this is where you step into remembrance and fully discover that all the answers exist within you.
Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT)
QHHT or Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is one of the first techniques that was developed to explore the Quantum Field. Schedule a Free Discovery Call to learn more about the Quantum Field and the expansive knowledge we can access through discovering ourselves from within.
THE 7 – DAY CHALLENGE to Manifest the Maximum Motivation, Money and Marketing for your Meaningful Mission!!
Join the 7 – DAY Challenge for FREE!!!
What is Quantum Shift Exploration and The Reality Creation Process?
About Aela Lee
My main objective with Quantum Shift Exploration (QSE) is to focus on Universal Communication Experiences, through frequency and sound I create Musical Light Language (Telepathic Frequency Communication-TFC) using my voice. Through these sound frequencies I Create Quantum Visual experiences to take you on a journey of remembrance. I facilitate Light Language (TFC) Self Remembrance Activations and QSE Sessions. Co-Presenter in the QSE and RCP Facilitator’s Masterclass and Co-Facilitator in The Reality Creation Process (RCP) 13 Week Embodiment Journey.